Do you really need to have all of these expenses? Have a look at your bank statement and see where the money actually goes! I have started keeping a money diary which lets me keep track of what I’m spending where – and this has really helped me to save money!
ALSO READ: How to Save Money – Top 20 Tips for Saving Money
Below is top 10 additional tips for saving money
- Buy clothes and presents when they are on sale
- The odds of winning the lottery are slim… can you really afford those weekly lottery tickets?
- Do you really need to be on the premium satellite TV package? Or could you get by on the cheaper package? Think of how much money you’ll save!
- It’s cheaper (and healthier) to cook your own meals rather than eating ready made meals!
- Always fight your traffic, speeding and parking tickets!
- Don’t ever buy extended warranties! If you have ever bought one and tried to claim from it – you’ll realise it’s never worth it!
- Shop online and save!
- Make your own lunch and don’t just buy something every day!
- Keep a money diary. Make a note of what you spend your money on – you’ll be amazed!
- Don’t always assume things… for instance – buying bulk occasionally saves you money – but not always! Look at the prices of the individual items and see if they really will save you money before you just add it!